art tips Kerrie Woodhouse art tips Kerrie Woodhouse

Quantity Over Perfection: A Watercolour Guide to Quick Paintings

Have you been meaning to paint in watercolour but always find a reason to put it off? Maybe you tell yourself you just don’t have time—but more often than not, that’s just fear talking.

The good news?

You don’t need endless hours to create something worthwhile. Quick paintings can be just as rewarding, and sometimes even more so, than those you spend ages perfecting.

But should we aim for quantity over quality?

Read on to find out…

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art tips Kerrie Woodhouse art tips Kerrie Woodhouse

How Sketchbooks Make You a Better Watercolour Painter

If you want to improve your watercolor painting, there’s one simple tool that can make a world of difference: a sketchbook.

Whether you’re new to watercolor or have been painting for years, keeping a sketchbook is one of the most valuable habits you can develop. Not only are sketchbooks a fun, low-pressure way to explore creativity, but they also help refine essential skills that will directly enhance your watercolor paintings.

Let’s explore 7 of the reasons that sketchbooks are such a powerful tool for watercolour artists and how they can help you grow as a painter.

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art tips Kerrie Woodhouse art tips Kerrie Woodhouse

Do You Need Drawing Skills for Watercolour Painting?

Have you ever wondered if you truly need strong drawing skills to succeed in watercolour painting?

It’s a common question among aspiring artists, especially those who feel held back by their drawing abilities. Maybe you’re afraid to start because your sketches don’t turn out as planned, or perhaps you’ve been frustrated when your painting doesn’t capture the essence of what you intended.

The truth is, while drawing can be an important foundation, it’s not the only path to creating beautiful watercolour art.

In this post, we’ll explore how to overcome these common fears and find joy in painting—whether or not you consider yourself a skilled sketcher.

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art tips Kerrie Woodhouse art tips Kerrie Woodhouse

How to Embrace Creative Risks in Watercolor Painting

Sometimes you get to the end of a watercolour  painting and you see a few things you would like to have done differently. 

But watercolour is a tricky thing and you can’t try to fix things, can you?..... 


Of course you can!

And actually, I think you should - here’s why.

Listening to your intuition is the gateway to greater confidence in your creativity. Experimenting will build your trust in your own painting abilities. So let’s talk about how you can take a few more creative risks in your watercolour painting.

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art tips Kerrie Woodhouse art tips Kerrie Woodhouse

How to Loosen Up Your Watercolour Painting (7 tips)

Are you wondering how to loosen up your watercolour painting?

You are definitely in the right place because painting in a loose expressive style is my favourite thing to do. I have 7 practical tips and ideas to share with you.

You'll be joyfully splashing the watercolour paint about while confidently creating your own loose interpretation of your favourite painting subjects in no time!

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art tips Kerrie Woodhouse art tips Kerrie Woodhouse

Improve Your Watercolour Paintings with Notan Sketches (here’s how)

Ever had that sinking feeling when you step back from your watercolour-in-progress, only to realise it's turning out to be about as striking as a pebble on a beach?

Well, fear not. Easy Notan sketches are your secret weapon against the dreaded "meh" painting. Set yourself up for success with this quick (and fun) two-minute exercise before you get out those paints.

Let me show you how this simple step can transform your watercolours from "bland to grand" faster than you can rinse your brush.

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art tips Kerrie Woodhouse art tips Kerrie Woodhouse

Painting Palm Trees in Watercolor (7 Helpful Tips 🏝)

Are you considering painting palm trees in watercolor?

Great idea!

Let’s get your painting off to an easy start with 7 tips on how to paint palm trees in watercolor. Oh, and would a youtube video demonstration on watercolor palm trees be helpful? I’ll include one or two of those too.

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art tips Kerrie Woodhouse art tips Kerrie Woodhouse

How to Fill More Sketchbook Pages

Do you have a sketchbook (or 6) that you wish you used more? We all do! If you are looking for some straight forwards suggestions about how to work in your sketchbook a bit more often, read on!

I have found the greatest success at filling up my sketchbook by applying these 2 simple tips:

1️⃣ Use a small sketchbook

2️⃣ Use a limited palette of colour pencils

Yes, it really can be as simple as that to fill more of your sketchbook pages (with a lot of ease and fun!)

Let me explain.

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