Kitchen comforts
Have you noticed how little time it takes before everyone in the house gravitates towards the kitchen?
The kitchen is the hub. The heart of the home.
(And houses many an ideal watercolour painting subject.)
It is where the momma is, and that’s what makes it home.
It is the place of comfort and sustenance.
It is where the best conversations happen. On a kitchen stool over a cup of coffee with a chocolate chip cookie.
I think it is because there is no pomp and ceremony in the kitchen. It does not suffer the formality of a dining room where we might be more guarded and reserved. It is warm and is filled with our favourite things that we use every day.
It is the place where wholesome ingredients are prepared by generous hearts.
No matter what kind of house you have it doesn’t take long before hungry mouths appear at counters and fridge doors start opening. And a tower of pancakes makes you feel safe and welcome, no matter who you are.
Spending a lot of time in the kitchen is part of the job description for every mom. But honestly that relentless food production that a family demands can certainly dampen one's culinary enthusiasm.
Simplicity is the key I think.
If you start with something fresh and vibrant it doesn't need too much from you.
Its vitality is apparent from the its juicy colour and gleaming flesh.
Makes you feel better just looking at it.
Food doesn’t need to be complicated to bring comfort. In fact the less complicated the better.
Is there anything more soothing than a piece of toast with chunky strawberry jam?
The kitchen stores the memories of the generations.
Aren’t your favourite recipes the ones passed down from grandmothers? How delightful are those handwritten recipes in books with pages now yellowed by time and splattered by batter.
As efficient as it is to have the internet deliver infinite versions of recipes from all over the world, there is nothing quite like the ones in a familiar hand on well loved pages.
Even better if there are notes scribbled in the margins.
May your kitchen continue to provide comfort and nourishment for both your body and your soul.
Want to paint FOOD in loose expressive watercolour?
Of course you do!
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